
How To Flash A VU+ DUO 4K Linux Enigma2 Receiver

Flashing the Receiver:

1) Power off the receiver

2) Ensure no other USB devices are plugged into the receiver whilse flashing.

3) Insert the USB stick containing the image files into one of the usb ports on the receiver, rear usb port is advised if possible.

4) Power the receiver on.

5) As your Duo 4k starts to power up you should see a update prompt on the receivers display asking you to press the power button, at this point you touch the power button which is located to the left of the receiver.

6) The receivers display will display various stages of flashing, simply wait for this to complete.

7) If successful the receiver will reboot itself aftrer the flashing process has completed.

8) Remove USB stick that contains the images files.

The flashing process should take approximately two to four minutes to complete, while the receiver is being flashed, it is important that you DO NOT power the receiver down for any reason as this can cause serious and or permanent damage.

If the receiver bypasses the flash files on the USB stick and boots into the existing image instead you may need to check that the file structure is correct on the USB stick or try formatting the USB stick using the HP Format tool or try and alternative USB stick.

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