How To Flash A VU+ DUO 4K Linux Enigma2 Receiver
Flashing the Receiver: 1) Power off the receiver 2) Ensure no other USB devices are plugged into the receiver whilse flashing. 3) Insert the USB stick containing the image files in
Do you have Enigma2 in your Amiko Alien/Alien2 (STi 7111/7162)? If not, just in case one hasn’t yet made it dual boot with Enigma2, here it is. Do you have E2 in your Alien/A
Flashing, backup and restore settings on Zgemma H9 series
How To Flash Zgemma H9 series (Twin, Combo, H9x/H9.2x), backup and restore settings etc with PurE2 Image. ZGEMMA H9 MODELS (H9X/H9.2X ONLY!!!!!!) First, make sure you know exactly
How To Flash A VU+ ZERO 4K Linux Enigma2 Receiver
Flashing the Receiver:1) Power off the receiver2) Ensure no other USB devices are plugged into the receiver while flashing.3) Insert the USB stick containing the image files into o
How To Use Image Manager Plugin on All Spark Receivers
How to Install Enigma2 Images on External flash with PurE2 and Image Manager Plugin on All Spark STI 7162 and Spark STI 7111 Devices. Firstly, let me thank kindly @ahmed gazye for
Brief description of an FBC tuner
Receivers like Vu Solo4K, Vu Ultimo 4K, Gigablue Quad 4K have FBC tuners. Please do not assume you can only use Unicable with FBC tuners. The two technologies are separate and inde